Five Important Tools For Hoof Trimming

Five Important Tools For Hoof Trimming

The decision to trim your horse’s hooves can happen for a variety of reasons. It might stem out of an injury to the horse, the desire to forgo shoeing or as a way to save money. Regardless of why you make this choice you need to make sure you have the right tools to get started.

  • Hoof Stand It would likely be argued that a hoof stand is not required for hoof trimming. However, when you are getting started it can help save your back and make the process of learning easier. It provides a steady base for supporting the leg while trimming.
  • Hoof Rasp The rasp is crucial to the hoof trimming process.It is used to remove excess horn, ensure a symmetrical trim and some can even smooth the hoof wall for a very nice finish. A quality rasp can last for an extended period of time and can serve a variety of trimming needs. We have rasps for all needs and that differ in quality, tooth density, size, weight and of course cost.
  • Hoof Knife When doing the very specific work required to trim the sole and frog area a hoof knife allows you to be precise. Hoof Trimmer Supply offers a large number of options  from right handed to left handed, double sided, straight, curved and loop blade with different quality blades and handles. 
  • Hoof Nippers Hoof nippers allow barefoot trimmers to work quickly to remove hoof in advance of use of the rasp or knife. There aren’t quite as many different kinds of nippers as there are hoof knives and hoof rasps, Hoof Trimmer Supply offers the different styles and brands to offer a good solution for every need. Our Stabil line even includes with spring and non-spring. 
  • Apron or Chaps Much like the hoof stand this isn’t a required item for hoof trimming, but it can definitely make the process safer, cleaner and faster. The right apron or chaps protects your pants, but also includes a very handy place to store your tools while trimming. They often feature a variety of pockets, and come in several materials. The most common material is synthetic with  leather, but there are also all leather, cloth and leather options as well. With a rainbow of different color combinations. Overall, having your tools close at hand to reduce the amount of discomfort for your horse and effort for you are good reasons to invest in this item. 

  • If you have more questions about the right tools for hoof trimming we can help you out HERE.

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